Studies on a Fluid Body, a chapter within the narrative, is an exploration into metamorphosis through different modes of abstraction. Through a combination of historical photography processes, sculpture and installation, I document my body in the many forms and emotions involved with its evolution. Navigating these particular moments I seek to materialize the tension between the visible and the invisible. I am asking, how does the violence of the gaze feel on the body? What and where are the moments of care? Is there an understanding of my visibility as a Black, queer and trans body, traversing colonialist structures with nuance, within this dimension of time? Jayna Brown’s Black Utopias suggests, “taking trans to mean the relaxation of the need for set and fixed gender and sexual identities and the embrace of fluid and expansive modes of being”. Probing the transmutation between my body and the environments that shape it, this work is invested in the scientific elements of self representation and change within multiple portals of time.